Wednesday, November 18, 2009



• The whole story is utopic after all! In two week more people will give a blank vote. But without understanding the message. Practically the message was…’We no longer need you !’ Neither liberal, nor communist… Civic anarchism. And then, what will the authorities do ? ‘Let’s make them see that they need them !’ They leave the city and institute the blocade. Everything is deserted. Public services, police, everything… All of a sudden, there’s no more stealing in the city, no more garbage, practically society is reinvented. No authorities. No system.


• I’m an orthodox anarchist. The best identity. I identify myself with anarchism in everything I do. You are born an orthodox and then what can it be? There can also be this nuance of orthodox anarchist. This nuance is your pedigree. All the faiths in the world are ludicrous. Anarchism is the middle way. For instance… Thoreau’s grandson. This guy Thoreau was famous in the States because of two things: he was the ugliest male ever in the U.S, his features were like an endless explosion, the cheeks, a nose like that, protuberant eyes… oh yes! But he had a charming humanity! And these guys in the States go and pass the Constitution… and there are no rights for the black people. And then he announced he wanted to go to jail. His aunt came to bail him out. He got out, he hung around a while… he wouldn’t pay his taxes. “In a country where black people aren’t free » he says : « I’m not free either ! And so I’m not paying any taxes » and he wrote an essay which is the cornerstone of universal anarchism, “On civil disobedience”, in which he says that if the state is criminal, you are not to obey that state and he says: “My advice is not to use bullets, but not pay the taxes!” That’s what anarchism really is. And he went into jail. And his university professors went to take him out, all sorts of people… friends, Thomas Jefferson… and he would say from behind the bars that “I am freer than you! You’re stupid too… and the U.S. history will remember me!” Two Southern generals gave up their military status and said we want to share the same cell with Thoreau. One of them had fallen for a black slave girl… the other had his boots polished by a black man, he was so cool, that the guy told himself “it is impossible that he is not human!” Back then black people were not considered human beings. Thoreau was one of LevT’s favorite intellectuals and LevT wrote a bunch of books on anarchism. After Christianity and socialism he stopped at anarchism : Every man should be a God in his own family!; and I found out that LevT has a 18 vol. correspondence with Mahatma; see how anarchism propagates itself; and Mahatma was Mandela’s favorite philosopher. There are a few people who can change the world but in the sense of non-violence! Anarchism = Non-violence.


• The first urban guerilla I can remember. ‘93-‘94. They wanted to put up the statue of the anonymous soldier in our park. Now we’re calling it Snow White and the 7 dwarves, as there are 7 soldiers. They wanted to cut down the park for this statue. And all the students in the city gathered there. For a week or two they were drawing and playing hop-scotch in the park. It was our little park. This is where we came to play. There were several protest games. The girls would play the elastic game. On the trees there were appartment rental and colocation ads. The mayor gave up in then end. They put up the statue behind the cathedral, instead of an old Soviet tank which is now lying in the heroes’ cemetery and which is much better looking than Snow White anyway. This was the poetic guerilla. Now there’s anti-system movements paid with the money of the people who are in the system.


• On a great man’s cross there were the following words : ‘When you get here too, bring the nail clip with you!” The neo-anti-post-modernist epitaph formula. People would cry out : ‘We will never forget you ! We will never forget you ! We will never forget you !’ This is someone great. And you see ? People are still crying out : ‘We will never forget you ! We will never forget you !” What do you think they’ll be saying about me ? And he says : ‘ We have never loved you’. This is what I’d put on my cross!


E o utopie pana la urma toata povestea! Peste doua saptamani mai multi voteaza in alb. Dar fara sa se-nteleaga. Practic mesajul era… “Nu mai avem nevoie de voi!” Nici de liberali, nici de comunisti… Anarhism civic. Si atunci, ce fac autoritatile? “Hai sa le demonstram ca au nevoie!” Parasesc orasul si instituie blocada asupra lui. Parasesc cu totul. Cu servicii publice, cu politie, cu tot… Dintr-o data nu se mai fura in oras, nu mai exista gunoaie, practic se reinventeaza societatea. Fara autoritati. Fara sistem.


Sunt un anarhist ortodox. Cea mai buna identitate. Ma revendic de la anarchism in tot ce fac. Te nasti ortodox si atunci ce poate fi? Poate fi si nuanta asta de anarchist ortodox. Nuanta asta e pedigree-ul tau. Am un haz nebun pentru orice credinta din lume. Anarhismul e clar calea de mijloc. De pilda… nepotul lui Thoreau; tipul asta Thoreau era celebru in SUA prin doua lucruri: cel mai urat mascul care a existat vreodata in SUA, avea niste trasaturi, ziceai ca e o explozie continua, cu pometi, un nas asa, cu ochi bulbucati… Da! Dar era de o umanitate fermecatoare! Si fac astia SUA, constitutia… si nu prevad drepturi pentru negri. Si atunci el a anuntat ca vrea sa intre in celula. A venit matusa-sa sa-i plateasca eliberarea. A iesit, a mai stat un pic… nu-si platea taxe si impozite. “Intr-o tara in care negri nu sunt liberi", zice: “nici eu nu sunt liber! Si atunci nu platesc taxe si impozite!" si a scris un eseu, asta e piatra de temelie a anarhismului universal “On civil disobedience” in care spune ca daca statul e asasin, nu trebuie sa respecti acel stat si zice: “Sfatul meu este sa nu consumi gloante , ci sa nu platesti taxe si impozite!” Asta e de fapt anarhism. Si a intrat in puscarie. Si-au venit profii lui universitari sa-l scoata, tot felul… prieteni, Thomas Jefferson… si le zicea de dupa gratii: “Eu sunt mai liber decat voi! Voi sunteti si prosti… si istoria SUA isi va aminti de mine!”. Doi generali din sudul SUA si-au depus armele si-au zis: "Vrem sa stam in celula cu Thoreau!" Unul ca se indragostise de o sclava negresa… altul caruia-i tot facea cismele un negru, asa de cool, c-a zis: “Asta e imposibil sa nu fie om!” Pe vremea aia negrii nu erau considerati oameni. Thoreau a fost unul din intelectualii preferati ai lui LevT si LevT are o groaza de carti despre anarhism. Dupa ce a trecut prin crestinism si socialsm s-a oprit la anarchism: "Fiecare om sa fie Dzeu in propria lui familie!"; "Statul vocatie zero!"; si am aflat ca LevT are o corespondenta de 18 volume cu Mahatma; ca sa vezi cum se raspandeste anarhismul; iar Mahatma a fost filosoful preferat al lui Mandela. Sunt cativa oameni care pot reface lumea dar in sensul de non-violenta! Anarhism = Non-violenta.


Prima gherila urbana de care mi-aduc aminte. 93-94. Vroiau sa puna in parcul nostru statuia eroului necunoscut. Acum ii spunem Alba ca Zapada si cei 7 pitici, ca sunt 7 soldati. Vroiau sa taie parcul pentru statuia asta. Si s-au adunat acolo toti studentii din oras. O saptamana sau doua au desenat si au jucat sotronul in parc. Era parculetul nostru. Aici veneam sa ne jucam. Erau diferite jocuri de protest. Fetele jucau elasticul. Pe copaci erau anunturi cu chirii si oferte de locuit impreuna. Primarul a renuntat pana la urma. Au pus statuia in spatele catedralei, unde inainte era un tanc sovietic care acum e in cimitirul eroilor si care oricum arata mai fain decat Alba ca Zapada. Asta a fost gherila poetica. Acum se fac miscari anti-sistem pe banii alora care sunt in sistem. Sistemul e distrus!


Pe crucea unui om mare scria: “Cand vii si tu, adu si unghera!” Formula de epitaph neo-anti-post-modernist. Oamenii scandau “Nu te vom uita niciodata!” ”Nu te vom uita niciodata!” ”Nu te vom uita niciodata!” Asta e un om mare. Si vezi? Oamenii scandeaza si astazi: ”Nu te vom uita niciodata!” Despre mine ce crezi ca o sa se scandeze? Si el zice: “Nu te-am iubit niciodata!” Eu asta mi-as pune pe cruce!