Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Cluj • The Crying Monkey Raymonda Maria&Vlad Unicum Ciclope's Eye • Moving Picture Marihuana INstantSOMNIA • Tea with Rum • Belvedere


• Sarcastic Star is the email adress of my friend in France. And this is one of the few texts that I wrote with rhythm and rhyme. I wrote so because I wanted it to sound outdated. In Antiquity the poets were writing with rhythm and rhyme because they needed to memorize. Now there’s no more need for props as we have recordings. Reproductions. Rhythm and rhyme are more of an amusement among friends who haven’t forgotten the taste of decadent pleasure. One night, I was drunk. First I drew some lines and then put in the title. And then I figured I should fit in as many words as possible on every line. And I had a poem. I was writing poetry like he would compose music when he was 12. He was born in a family about as cultured as mine and he made his first guitar out of plywood with wires for strings. That’s his first guitar! I wrote my first books at the flash light. So that my father won’t catch me. There’s one I liked then and I still like today: Leonid diMov. He didn’t make the pact with the communist party. I didn’t know that he was both pure and tough. I felt him very close to my being, very free. He was a lunatic. He was living on the 6th floor and when he got drunk he would hang by the balcony’s edge, from the 6th floor, like a bat. His beard was as long as this, his hair long up to here, he would translate all sorts of occult books… like a bat. And that was his show. Why was he stupefied? Because not one single person would look up to behold him. They were all going to work. His first wife was prima-ballerina at the State Opera. Her name was Lucia Salam (Salami). It wasn’t a very pretty name. Yeah but around the ‘50’s they liked it… the first communists liked ballet. They liked eating caviar, drinking whisky. They were all crazy about culture ! diMov was a loser. He was a loser who could write impeccably in 7 languages. Some of his roots are Gagauze, Lipovan, Russian, Romanian, Jewish, what have you… and since his wife was the generals’ favorite ballerina, she got him a translator job. And of course he was unable to behave himself there. He fucked one of his workmates. She had also been hired based on connections. A security general’s wife. And after that… straight to political prison. And he got out a few years later and one night he went and peed on Lenin’s statue. And he was put into prison once again. He was incorrigible. “Last night in my dream I remembered the pretzel maker in the Match Market”


• She has her particular way of smiling, an inner laughter, with her slyeyes. And the snake penetrates you. Raymonda holds the snake. In the end she is the one who gets bitten. One of the world’s greatest baritones today, GP, was in love with her. His mother. The first marriage with a lawyer. The first child. He is just as great a baritone. And so on…Metropolitan, Covent Garden… GP follows his brother who is 20 years older than him. The mother’s second mariage. The boxer. He is the father of GP. Step brothers. They were living in that house, by the Crying Monkey. They were all living there. Among pianos. In that house, Raymonda danced with the snake and GP was born with absolute ear. He could hear all the notes, he just knew them. Twice in his life he was meant to feel the pain at zero decibels. Raymonda dancing with the snake and his mother dying when he was 16. Family problems. The mariage with a boxer.


• Where do you live? Close to the crying monkey. But do you know where its name comes from? During the time between the two wars it was the best brothel in Cluj.


• Sarcastic Star e adresa de e_mail a prietenului meu, din Franta. Si asta e unul din putinele texte scrise cu ritm si rima. Am scris sa para desuet. In Antichitate poetii scriau cu ritm si rima pentru ca memorau. Acuma nu mai ai nevoie de carje, ca sunt inregistrarile. Reproducerile. Ritmul si rimele sunt mai mult un amuzament, intre prieteni… care mai stiu ce-i aia o placere decadenta. Eram intr-o noapte beat. Intai am trasat niste linii si am dat un titlu. Si am zis ca pe fiecare linie sa scriu cate cuvinte incap. Si a iesit un poem. Faceam poezie asa cum facea Hendrix muzica la 12 ani. El s-a nascut intr-o familie cam la fel de culta ca a mea si atunci prima chitara si-a facut-o din placaj, cu sarme pe post de corzi. Aia e prima lui chitara! Primele carti le citeam la lanterna. Sa nu ma prinda taica-meu. Unu mi-a ramas din vremea aia si azi: Leonid diMov. N-a facut pactul cu partidul comunist. Nu stiam ca el a fost si pur, si dur. Il simteam foarte aproape de mine, foarte liber. Era bezmetic. Locuia la etajul 6 si, cand se imbata, se-agata de balcon, la etajul 6, ca un liliac. Avea barba pana aici, plete pana aici. Traducea tot felul de carti oculte… ca un liliac. Si asta era show-ul lui. De ce era el stupefiat? De faptul ca nici un om nu-si ridica capatana sa-l priveasca. Aia mergeau la servici.Prima lui sotie era prim-balerina la Opera de Stat. O chema Lucia Salam. N u era un nume foarte frumos. Da ! Dar prin 50 le placea… primilor comunisti le placea baletul. Le placea sa manance caviar si sa bea whisky. Daduse cultura in ei! diMov era un looser. Era un looser care stia perfect 7 limbi. Avea radacini gagauze, era lipovean, rus, roman, evreu, nu mai stiu… si nevasta-sa fiind balerina preferata a generalilor i-a rezolvat un job de traducător. Si evident ca el acolo nu putea fi cuminte. S-a futut cu o colega. Si aia, angajata tot pe pile. Sotie de general de securitate. Si dupa aia… direct puscarie politica. Si a iesit de acolo peste cativa ani, si-ntr-o noapte s-a pisat pe statuia lu’ Lenin. Si a intrat a doua oara. Era un tip incorigibil. “Azi-noapte in vis mi-am amintit de covrigarul din piata Chibrit”


• Are un fel al ei de-a zambi, un ras interior, cu ochii aia smecheri. Si sarpele te patrunde. Raymonda tine sarpele. Pana la urma e muscata ea. De ea, era indragostit unul din cei mai mari baritoni din lume la ora actuala, GP. Mama lui. Prima casatorie cu un avocat. Primul copil. Si el, bariton la fel de mare… Metropolitan, Coven Garden… GP isi urmeaza fratele cu 20 de ani mai mare. A doua casatorie a mamei. Boxerul. Cu asta il face pe GP. Frati vitregi. Stateau in casa aia cu doua etaje, langa Maimuta Plangatoare. Acolo stateau toti. Printre piane. In casa aia Raymonda a dansat cu sarpele si GP s-a nascut cu ureche absoluta. Auzea toate notele, le stia pur si simplu. De doua ori in viata i-a fost dat sa simta durerea la zero decibeli. Raymonda dansand cu sarpele si mama murindu-i la 16 ani. Probleme de familie. Casatoria c-un boxeor.


• «UNDE STATI?» Langa Maimuta Plangatoare. « DA’ STII DE UNDE-I VINE? » In epoca interbelica acolo functiona cel mai mare bordel din Cluj. Acolo-i gaseai pe toti!